
Omnia Ventum is a provider of complete solutions for companies and authorities looking to develop wind energy and carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites. 

With the growing need to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change, we are committed to supporting our clients in meeting their sustainability goals through the development of renewable energy and CCS infrastructure.

Our company brings together a team of experts with extensive knowledge and experience in the Earth Science sector. We provide a range of services, focused on collecting and analyzing all necessary data for site identification and development. Our solutions enable authorities and developers to maximize the potential of their projects while minimizing risk and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

We recognize the importance of collaboration and strive to work closely with our clients and partners to develop customized solutions. Our goal is to build long-term partnerships to help achieve sustainable success in the rapidly evolving energy and environmental landscape.


We are committed to driving innovation and staying at the forefront of industry developments. Our team is constantly exploring new technologies and approaches to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of our solutions. We are passionate about what we do and are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world through our work.